Published: July 27, 2022  |  

How BVSD families prioritize our work

With nearly 30,000 students enrolled in the Boulder Valley School District, we highly value the insights and opinions of their parents and guardians. Earlier this summer, we asked them some questions about our work and were thrilled to receive over 1,000 responses. 

As a thank you for responding, all participants were entered into a drawing for $50 King Soopers gift cards, and the winners are listed below.

What parents and guardians know about our work

The last school year was unlike any other and we were curious which of our investments BVSD families knew about. The top five investments were:

  1. Supporting students and staff affected by the Marshall Fire
  2. Providing backpacks and school supplies to students in need
  3. Funding mental health staff, training and programming
  4. Offering summer learning opportunities for rising Kindergarteners
  5. Funding targeted tutoring

The importance of our investments

Our work focuses on three key areas: early childhood education, student success, and college and career readiness. While investments in these areas vary from year to year, BVSD families felt the most important work we do is:

  1. Provide extra help and learning opportunities for students in need
  2. Meet critical needs and respond to crises
  3. Support BVSD educators
  4. Address early childhood education
  5. Address college and career readiness
  6. Provide college scholarships
  7. Spur innovation

Where we’re focusing this school year

As students prepare to return to schools, we’re working to ensure they start off strong by:

How to stay in the loop

Over 60% of our respondents said they didn’t hear enough about our work. If you feel the same, we’d love to have you join our monthly e-newsletter or follow us on our active social media channels, primarily Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Gift card winners

Four respondents were randomly selected to win a $50 King Soopers gift card. Winners should have received an email with a link to your gift card. If you did not receive yours, please email

  • Claire Peterson
  • Carolyn Szoke
  • Joel Kaar
  • Maria Arellano


Impact on Education is a nonprofit organization, and we depend on our community to help us put our mission into action. We need your help to to provide opportunity and resources to 30,000 students and 4,000 educators of the Boulder Valley School District.

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Impact on Education
721 Front Street, Suite A
Louisville, CO 80027

Tax ID #84-0943046