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Join us and many Boulder County non-profits in our effort to shine a light on the generosity in our community.

Throughout the day, we will celebrate our community, Boulder Valley School District, our teachers, students and supporters, along with so many other local non-profits. Look for us on social media!

We encourage you to join in this global movement of unity while apart and follow the hashtag #GivingTuesdayNow. We also would love to see what you are grateful for in this community during these hard times– add to our posts or create your own using the global hashtag.

If you are able to help during this challenging time for our community, we hope that you will consider making a gift to our Critical Needs Fund so we can continue to support the needs of all of our students. We are truly grateful for all of your help and support for students and families!

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Impact on Education
721 Front Street, Suite A
Louisville, CO 80027

Tax ID #84-0943046